The Benefits of High-Protein Dog Food for Active Breeds

Owning an active dog breed sounds cool, but feeding them can be more challenging especially while choosing dog food with accurate nutritional value. Active breed dogs require lots of energy to perform various activities throughout the day. Whether it is a Labrador, retriever, Rottweiler, or even a German shepherd – the common thing in all active breeds is the requirement of high-protein food as they burn tons of calories during the activity they love to do.

Choosing food for dogs loaded with precise amounts of protein helps your pet to pursue daily activity without getting exhausted. If you are also among those people who don’t have enough information regarding high-protein dog food, then this blog is going to be a benefit for you.

So let’s get started!

Understand the connection of High-Protein Dog Food with your pet

Feeding dogs with high protein is crucial, especially for active breeds, as it contains a higher percentage of protein compared to any other normal pet food. The formulation of amino acids combines to form protein, which helps your dog to develop their muscles, fur, skin and even organs.

Dog food

There can be variability in the amount of protein present in different standard dog-eating food. Whereas, for active breeds, the protein level must be in-between 25-30 %. Also, the source of protein must be from different food items like beef, chicken, fish, lamb or even goat milk for dogs which is highly beneficial for dogs containing lots of protein. However, it is necessary to check the quality and quantity of protein that suits your active breed.

High-Protein Dog Food For Active Breed: Why It Is Required?

Many people don’t know the importance of protein food for dogs and even after knowing, they are unaware of the right portion to be fed. As your dog is highly active throughout the day, it requires a sufficient amount of energy. At this moment, protein adds fuel to your pet to perform their activities without getting exhausted.

Let’s have a deeper look at the importance of protein for Active Breeds:

  1. Development and maintenance of muscles: It is one of the major reasons to feed active breeds with high protein as it helps in the development of their muscles at a constant rate. It also assists in the restoration of micro-tears or strained muscle tissues whenever your dog runs, exercises, swims or gets involved in any other muscle involvement activity. Therefore, choosing the best dog food loaded with extra protein maintains muscle building and increases their strength.
  2. Increases energy level: In comparison to other dogs, active breeds require high calories. Therefore feeding a high-protein dog diet to your active dogs supplies enough amount of energy.  It generates energy constantly, keeping your dog active and ensuring that your dog doesn’t burn out during any activity.
  3. Helps in recovery: Active breeds are not less than any human athletes, hence require enough protein to recover tissues and repair muscles during any occurrence of physical activity strain. The moment you select rich protein food items while keeping the taste a priority, it automatically becomes your dog’s favorite food resulting in a high recovery process.
  4. Healthy weight management: The requirement of more calories for active breeds doesn’t mean it should be consumed inappropriately. Carbohydrates and fats consist of high calories, and if consumed consistently may raise the weight of your dog. Many high-protein foods consist of lower fat, which results in maintaining the weight of your dog while fulfilling a major portion of the dog’s nutritional value.
  5. Enhance fur and skin health: Since active breeds are highly indulged in outdoor activities, it often leads to skin disease. It may degrade the quality of their fur; in such situations, protein fosters new skin cells and keeps their fur healthy and shiny.  Fur protects skin from dust, cold and heat, hence it is necessary to take care of their fur to eliminate the risk of skin diseases through proper intake of high protein.
  6. Boosts immune system: For active breeds, keeping a well-functioning immune system is pivotal to fighting against germs and diseases. A good amount of protein in your dog’s diet fulfills its important nutrients to make them stronger and eradicate the risk of infection.

Situations When Your Active Breed Requires High-Protein Dog Food

Most people are unaware of the requirement of protein-loaded food for their active breed. Below are some signs and situations to start feeding them with high amount of protein through which you can enhance their health before it’s too late:

Weight loss or muscle weakeningYour dog might be highly active, but even if it is losing weight constantly and reducing muscle mass, it’s high time to feed a good amount of protein.
In case of fatigue and lethargicIf you notice that your dog gets tired in a very short period and seems lethargic, that means its energy level is too low and requires more protein.
Bad skin condition with poor coatIf your dog suffers from skin infection quickly and the quality of the coat has been degraded, then the protein requirement is too high in your dog’s diet.
Slow recovery rateAfter any physical activity, if your dog is not able to recover at a faster rate, it shows a lack of protein that helps in the restoration of muscles.

How to Choose the Best High-Protein Dog Food For Active Breeds

Consider the below factors before selecting high-protein food for your active breed:

  • Source of protein: Never compromise the quality of protein by purchasing cheap dog food. Always give priority to high-quality animal protein. Feeding your active breeds with beef, lamb and fish is full of amino acids, easy to digest and your dog’s favorite food too. Additionally, you can feed your active breed with Goat milk. It contains probiotics for dogs – a major source of high protein.

food for dogs

  • Balance of Nutrients: Knowing the presence of every nutrient in dog food items helps you to provide the right amount of protein. Check whether the food item contains carbohydrates, fats, energy and vitamins for the overall development and growth of your active breed.
  • Age and Activity Level: It is very important to observe the activities of your dog, as it ensures you the right time to feed the dog with high protein. At every stage of a dog’s life, the requirements of protein have diversification; whether you are feeding a puppy adult dog or senior dog, feed them according to their age and activities.
  • Grain-Free vs. Grain-Inclusive: Nowadays, a large number of grain-free and grain-inclusive pet foods are available in the market with high protein, like rice and oats. However, there is a continuous debate among several pet enthusiasts about the benefits of grain-free protein. Accordingly, if your pet doesn’t have any kind of grain allergy, both are good and healthy options for your active breed.
  • Get advice and recommendations from your veterinarian: Before you make any decision on your dog’s diet and have vague information on protein consumption, then consult your veterinarian. Never compromise with the health of your active breed.

Let’s Wrap It

Feeding your active breeds with high protein is like a boon for them. It fulfills all essential nutrients required to build and maintain your dog’s muscles and energy level and support overall health.  Choosing high-protein dog food enhances the standards of your dog’s life by strengthening their health.

Along with this, if you are seeking some food for dogs loaded with extra protein, try goat milk for dogs which contains a high amount of protein and active probiotics for dogs. Hence, feeding your dog breed with the right amount of protein will make them ready to fight against any external or internal health problem.

What does high-protein food do to dogs?

High protein dog food helps active dogs in the development of muscles, better recovery from any strain and enhances their fur and coat.

Do working dogs need high protein?

Of course, the requirement of high protein for dogs is quite crucial to tackle challenges during physical activities and supports their endurance, and restoration of muscles and provides energy.

Does high-protein dog food give dogs more energy?

Dog food items loaded with high protein (goat milk for dogs) boost the energy level and provide enough fuel to their body to remain active.

What is the best diet for a working dog?

Feeding your dog with a proper diet is composed of carbohydrates, protein, fibre, fat, and vitamins. Together enhance the health and immune system of a dog.


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Original price was: ₹599.Current price is: ₹399.

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